Minno (Streaming Service Review)

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Streaming Service Summary

Minno is one of the latest Christian streaming services that offers safe and friendly entertainment for kids. This service is made available online and in app form. It was previously known as JellyTelly, and now hosts their content, as well as many other shows.

Appearance (2 points)

Minno has a simplistic design that flows well and is not overdone or too boring. However, it doesn’t have much more to offer than its counterparts in this particular area. Overall, Minno has a nice look to it that younger viewers will probably relate to quite well. In summary, there is always room for improvement, but Minno has a good start here. Yet, they could make a bit more of an effort to include aspects that are unique, thus setting their content apart from the norm.

Ease of Navigation (1.5 points)

Navigation is a little bit of a bumpy road with this service. Everything is clearly labeled well, but it is a little bit difficult for first-time users to find their way around. Additionally, it is slightly challenging to find the catalog of shows and episodes that are available to watch. But, as I mentioned before, this may only be an issue for first-time users. It would be better if the catalog was more prominently located. The advanced search engine is a nice feature because you can filter it by show duration and age recommendation. However, it would be better as a drop down option due to how much space it claims on the screen. Technicalities aside, it is, for the most part, easy to navigate and the search engine works like it should.

Diversity of Content (1.5 points)

Minno has plenty of options available for kids to watch; however, it does not have many films and series that other services do not already have. Understandably, they are still in the process of adding things to the service, so it will be interesting to see where they go from here. Hence, one thing that would definitely set it apart from other services is having more original content. Currently, it has many good options, but a wall will most likely be hit in young ones’ attention spans unless the content is kept diverse.


Overall, Minno is a wonderful option for your kids. It looks okay, is easy to navigate once the basics are learned, and it has a nice amount of shows available. The service is available in app form, which is certainly helpful but in this day and age this should be an automatic given. Now when it comes to cost and value, it is really up to the user’s decision. All it would take is a few minor adjustments to greatly improve the quality of this service.

Final Rating: 5 out of 10 points

One thought on “Minno (Streaming Service Review)

  1. If you’re considering Minno save yourself some time and just go with Yippee. They are the only streaming service that has the new VeggieTales (not the netflix garbage) and more of the classics than anyone, plus a ton of other content that Minno doesn’t have.


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