Remember the Goal (Movie Review)

Plot Summary

When Courtney Smith-Donnelly, an inexperienced coach, is given the job as the new cross country coach at Orange Hills Christian Girls Private School, many parents are skeptical of her ‘unusual’ training methods.  She insists on not wearing the girls out, but the parents want a winning team.  Under the threat of being fired, Courtney pushes forward and encourages her girls to remember the goal no matter what.


Production Quality (2.5 points)

At least since they have been making films for nearly two decades, the Christiano brothers have learned how to craft a professional production.  Video quality, camera work, and audio quality are all what they should be.  The soundtrack is a bit silly at times, but outdoor locations and indoor sets are on market standard.  The only real issue to point out here is the slightly poor editing job, which manifests in too many sports montages.  But in the end, at least the production quality of this film is fine.

Plot and Storyline Quality (0 points)

Unfortunately, after all these years, the Christiano brothers have not been able to figure out how to craft a plot that relates the real people and real circumstances.  They still demonstrate a trite and sometimes childish outlook on life, which includes a silly and plastic handling of otherwise important issues.  The characters are also extremely thin and one-dimensional due to mindless dialogue.  There is hardly any content in this plot except for sports sequences and lingo and there are a lot of disjointed subplots.  But perhaps the most memorable part of this plot—for all the wrong reasons—is the forced and confusing parallels between Christianity and cross-country, as well as the ridiculous persecution the main character undergoes for training her team in a supposedly controversial fashion.  This component dominates the film and is downright laughable, not to mention all of the quick fixes in this film.  Basically, there is still nothing good to say here.

Acting Quality (1.5 points)

Though the Christianos mostly departed from their usual cast in his film, there are still issues here.  The lead actress is often overly practiced yet unsure of herself at the same time.  Other cast members are fine, but emotions often seem forced.  Overall, this is an average performance.


Remember the Goal is a departure for the Christianos in that they have finally allowed a female character to take a lead role in a plot that does not involve them being confined to the house.  Yet it still contains a lot of their typical shallow elements and their limited outlook on life and faith.  Unfortunately, they’re not going to improve until they learn how to relate to real people and stop thinking that everything is a persecution ploy.  But after all this time, why would they change?


Final Rating: 4 out of 10 points


7 thoughts on “Remember the Goal (Movie Review)

  1. Box Office Revolution, you are critiquing your movies from the point of view of how non Born Agains view these movies and not from the point of view of Born Agains who are just looking for a good clean Christian movie to watch. This was a good movie, I really enjoyed it, great movie for those who are Born Again and tired of watching the worldly movies that are coming out of Hollywood. Sure it was a bit corny at times and sure quite out of touch with the school environments that most of us went through, but it made me want for that kind of environment and if I had children I would definitely want them to grow up in a Christian School like that one, so I would definitely want my kids to watch this, especially at a yound age. It’s that kind of film, you would want your whole family to watch together. So please start critiquing from the point of view of what a Born Again, would want to watch to entertain him or her, rather than just what would bring new converts, we are already starved as it is for movies. I almost missed watching this movie because of your review, I am glad I watched it and will have to start taking these low rated movie scores with a pinch of salt.


    • Hi Randy,
      I believe the idea of critiquing these films is due to a yearning for more meaningful and powerful ministering in Christian films. Something that changes people for the better. It seems many people confuse the purpose of this site. It is not a place designed buy the “non born again” to praise Hollywood films. It is a place to provide constructive criticism on Christian entertainment that should be better and more glorify the King in powerful ways and I believe the reviewer is doing a good job. Christian entertainment should go beyond just being “a clean movie to sit in front of”, it should be relatable to all cultures while maintaining the message of Jesus.


      • Except that all the reviews made disparaging remarks about the Christiano Brother’s intentions, accusing them of propagandizing their movies since they started. I found the reviews to be pretty hateful after about the third one I read. Yes, some of the movies are a bit cheesy, but still worth seeing.


  2. Pingback: The Perfect Race (Movie Review) – Box Office Revolution

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