Don't Say My Name (status unknown)

Status currently unknown

Writer(s): Patricia Landolfi

Director(s): Federico Segarra

Producer(s): Marty Jean-Louis 

Cast: Brooklyn Wittmer, Cory Kays, Anita Cordell, Joel C. Hunter, Samuel Morales, Josh Morales, Luis Morales, Jenny Porrata, Rasheda Issac, Ariana Ruckle, Dominick LaBlanca, Jason Barbeck, Ariel Kelly, Melissa Pagan, Creisson Soni, Raymond Pozo, Tony Russilo, Halyn Rose, Courtney Dawn

Plot summary: This film follow Adriana, a human trafficking survivor, as she escapes her captors and begins a harrowing journey of survival as she navigates the road to recovery and healing.

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